
opal interview

About The Event

最新節目「魅力寶石專訪」由 APGS(亞太寶石學家協會)主辦,將邀請寶石專家和業界內人士,分享關於各種寶石的知識、歷史、鑑定技巧和市場趨勢,讓觀眾更深入了解這些美麗寶石的魅力。

「魅力寶石:變幻之寶」我們邀請到珠寶設計師兼寶石鑒定師 Carmen,她將和觀眾分享她家族主要經營的寶石: 歐泊。將探討歐泊的產地、品種、礦場情況以及評級準則。Carmen 將以深入淺出的方式,將她對歐泊的熱愛和知識傳遞給觀眾,她還分享在首飾設計方面的心得,揭示如何運用歐泊的獨特特性創作出精美的珠寶作品,以及保養歐泊的簡單方法。


The latest program, “Charming Gems,” organized by APGS (The Asia Pacific Gemmologist Society Limited), will invite gemstone experts and industry insiders to share their knowledge, history, appraisal techniques, and market trends about various gemstones, allowing viewers to gain a deeper understanding of the captivating allure of these beautiful gemstones.

In “Charming Gems: The Enchanting Jewels”, we have invited Carmen, a jewelry designer and gemmologist, to share with the audience her family’s primary gemstone of focus: opals. Carmen will discuss the origins, varieties, mining conditions, and grading criteria of opals, presenting her passion and knowledge about opals in an engaging and accessible way. She will also share insights into jewelry design, revealing how to utilize the unique characteristics of opals to create exquisite pieces, as well as simple methods for opal maintenance.

“Charming Gems” will take you on a journey to delve deeper into the allure of gemstones, presenting the world of gemstones in a simple and understandable way. Let us explore the beauty of gemstones together!

  • Cost: $80.00
  • Total Slot: 0
  • Booked Slot: 0

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